The Pilot Life Podcast
For those of you that didn’t know I have started a podcast! To capture all types of pilots and aviation enthusiasts. If you haven't yet already go read Owner & Founder. My name is Ray I have been in aviation and been flying airplanes for ten years. I am ATP rated and currently a captain on a Lear Jet. Before I was flying jets, I was a flight instructor. Without a doubt, one of my favorite careers moves I ever did. I’ve spent thousands of hours teaching and giving instruction. I currently hold CFI, CFII, MEI, IGI, AGI and to top it all off a gold seal. In the years that I taught I had a 98% pass rate first try. To most sectors of the industry, I’ve been there. I’ve been a struggling private pilot trying to save money to continue flight training. To teaching new pilots how to fly. Lastly, I’ve been a line pilot flying multimillion-dollar jets all over the world.
My goal for this show is to break it up into two segments. The FLIGHT LEVELS is our first segment where I will share tips and tricks about getting into aviation. Hopefully clarify some of the process for most newcomers. The second part of the show, The JUMPSEAT will be about my previous experiences and where I’ll have other guests join me. Over the past ten years I’ve collected an abundant of experiences I believe it’s only fair to share them with others. Maybe you learn something along the way or at bare minimum find it entertaining. Every week on Mondays and Thursdays there will be a new show out. So any questions, or topics you would like to hear discussed, email me at ThePilotLifePodcast@gmail.com!
Listen to the latest episode in the links below;